My name is Linda Hollatz, formerly Deslauriers and I work as a sustainable and holistic hair and wardrobe expert with over 30 years of practical and research experience. I cut over ten thousand people’s hair in Europe, North America and Hawaii, hold a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, one in European Languages and Literature, and published several books on the themes of hair, wardrobe and gems. Together with Laura Sullivan I conceptualised and wrote original workshops and seminars in the field of sustainable and holistic hair work. So far I had the privilege of educating over two hundred people live and online worldwide.

In 1965, I was born in Hamburg, Germany. With an onset at 13 I started a variation of hair pulling disorder, then as a teenager I experienced hair loss and since childhood a high discomfort at the hairdresser. All that led me to look for answers. That was at a time when you couldn’t research the internet; therefore I set forth on a journey that would lead me to a life long passion for psychology.

When I was seventeen, I started to practice yoga and meditation. After my first lesson I rode home on my bicycle. It was dusk but I noticed a special sun appearing in the sky. It continued to shine in my universe and never disappeared. Shortly thereafter I had a vision of a hair healer coming across the ocean. A few years later in 1987 I met him:  William Mercury Yount, who practiced and taught the haircutting method Hair Balancing. I spent hundreds of hours with him watching, translating, and learning. I did not intend to actually cut people’s hair myself, however, when William was traveling I started to help out his clients and began to balance their hair. After his unexpected death in 1990 I felt called to continue and expand his legacy.

In 1991 in Laguna Beach, California, I met Anthony Morrocco, a world-renowned pioneer in the magical world of hair, who shared with me his holistic hair care system that uses Astrological Lunar Cuts, Chinese medicine, chemical-free products and proper hair and scalp care to promote healthy hair growth. I attended John Wesley International Barber and Beauty College in Long Beach and hold barber’s licenses in the states of California and Hawaii.

For my Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Hamburg I wrote a thesis on the significance of hair, and for my Master’s degree in Literature from the University of Hawai’i, I completed a thesis on hair images in Grimm’s fairy tales. My first book Haare im Licht was published in 2004, my second book Nie Mehr Haarausfall Again in 2007 and the third one Die Kleiderdiät in 2009. In 2015 my long time associate Laura Sullivan and I self-published Awakening Hair – Caring for Your Cosmic Antenna, available through Amazon.

After a vision in 1990, in which I saw a comb carved out of Rose quartz, I designed exquisite combs and had them carved out of ten different gemstones: the Gemcombs. I wrote the first edition of the Gemcomb Guide Book in 2005 which explains their purpose and history. In the fall of 2017, after 27 years I moved back to Hamburg, Germany to be close to my parents. Usually, I visit the United States twice a year and travel frequently within Europe. Since August 2020 I am enrolled in the doctoral program at the University of Cologne. The aim of my dissertation studies is to scientifically explore the connections and possibilities between hair care and hair pulling disorder. I am looking forward to hearing from you and feel honored to be of service.

I am an authentic Vegan Hamburger!

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